// Decompiled by Jad v1.5.8e. Copyright 2001 Pavel Kouznetsov. // Jad home page: http://www.geocities.com/kpdus/jad.html // Decompiler options: braces fieldsfirst space lnc package u.aly; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.ObjectInputStream; import java.io.ObjectOutputStream; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.EnumMap; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; // Referenced classes of package u.aly: // bz, dd, ct, di, // bV, dj, bX, cl, // cm, cn, cq, ay, // aw, be, cf, cs, // dk, cz, cy, dh, // dg, bw, cg public class bd implements Serializable, Cloneable, bz { public static final Map h; private static final dd i = new dd("Session"); private static final ct j = new ct("id", (byte)11, (short)1); private static final ct k = new ct("start_time", (byte)10, (short)2); private static final ct l = new ct("end_time", (byte)10, (short)3); private static final ct m = new ct("duration", (byte)10, (short)4); private static final ct n = new ct("pages", (byte)15, (short)5); private static final ct o = new ct("locations", (byte)15, (short)6); private static final ct p = new ct("traffic", (byte)12, (short)7); private static final Map q; private static final int r = 0; private static final int s = 1; private static final int t = 2; public String a; public long b; public long c; public long d; public List e; public List f; public be g; private byte u; private e v[]; public bd() { u = 0; e ae[] = new e[3]; ae[0] = e.e; ae[1] = e.f; ae[2] = e.g; v = ae; } public bd(String s1, long l1, long l2, long l3) { this(); a = s1; b = l1; b(true); c = l2; c(true); d = l3; d(true); } public bd(bd bd1) { u = 0; e ae[] = new e[3]; ae[0] = e.e; ae[1] = e.f; ae[2] = e.g; v = ae; u = bd1.u; if (bd1.e()) { a = bd1.a; } b = bd1.b; c = bd1.c; d = bd1.d; if (!bd1.t()) goto _L2; else goto _L1 _L1: ArrayList arraylist; Iterator iterator; arraylist = new ArrayList(); iterator = bd1.e.iterator(); _L6: if (iterator.hasNext()) goto _L4; else goto _L3 _L3: e = arraylist; _L2: if (bd1.y()) { ArrayList arraylist1 = new ArrayList(); for (Iterator iterator1 = bd1.f.iterator(); iterator1.hasNext(); arraylist1.add(new aw((aw)iterator1.next()))) { break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_218; } f = arraylist1; } if (bd1.B()) { g = new be(bd1.g); } return; _L4: arraylist.add(new ay((ay)iterator.next())); if (true) goto _L6; else goto _L5 _L5: } static dd D() { return i; } static ct E() { return j; } static ct F() { return k; } static ct G() { return l; } static ct H() { return m; } static ct I() { return n; } static ct J() { return o; } static ct K() { return p; } private void a(ObjectInputStream objectinputstream) { try { u = 0; a(((cy) (new cs(new dk(objectinputstream))))); return; } catch (cf cf1) { throw new IOException(cf1.getMessage()); } } private void a(ObjectOutputStream objectoutputstream) { try { b(new cs(new dk(objectoutputstream))); return; } catch (cf cf1) { throw new IOException(cf1.getMessage()); } } public void A() { g = null; } public boolean B() { return g != null; } public void C() { if (a == null) { throw new cz((new StringBuilder("Required field 'id' was not present! Struct: ")).append(toString()).toString()); } if (g != null) { g.j(); } } public e a(int i1) { return e.a(i1); } public bd a() { return new bd(this); } public bd a(long l1) { b = l1; b(true); return this; } public bd a(String s1) { a = s1; return this; } public bd a(List list) { e = list; return this; } public bd a(be be1) { g = be1; return this; } public void a(aw aw1) { if (f == null) { f = new ArrayList(); } f.add(aw1); } public void a(ay ay1) { if (e == null) { e = new ArrayList(); } e.add(ay1); } public void a(cy cy1) { ((dh)q.get(cy1.D())).b().a(cy1, this); } public void a(boolean flag) { if (!flag) { a = null; } } public bd b(long l1) { c = l1; c(true); return this; } public bd b(List list) { f = list; return this; } public cg b(int i1) { return a(i1); } public void b() { a = null; b(false); b = 0L; c(false); c = 0L; d(false); d = 0L; e = null; f = null; g = null; } public void b(cy cy1) { ((dh)q.get(cy1.D())).b().b(cy1, this); } public void b(boolean flag) { u = bw.a(u, 0, flag); } public String c() { return a; } public bd c(long l1) { d = l1; d(true); return this; } public void c(boolean flag) { u = bw.a(u, 1, flag); } public void d() { a = null; } public void d(boolean flag) { u = bw.a(u, 2, flag); } public void e(boolean flag) { if (!flag) { e = null; } } public boolean e() { return a != null; } public long f() { return b; } public void f(boolean flag) { if (!flag) { f = null; } } public bz g() { return a(); } public void g(boolean flag) { if (!flag) { g = null; } } public void h() { u = bw.b(u, 0); } public boolean i() { return bw.a(u, 0); } public long j() { return c; } public void k() { u = bw.b(u, 1); } public boolean l() { return bw.a(u, 1); } public long m() { return d; } public void n() { u = bw.b(u, 2); } public boolean o() { return bw.a(u, 2); } public int p() { if (e == null) { return 0; } else { return e.size(); } } public Iterator q() { if (e == null) { return null; } else { return e.iterator(); } } public List r() { return e; } public void s() { e = null; } public boolean t() { return e != null; } public String toString() { StringBuilder stringbuilder = new StringBuilder("Session("); stringbuilder.append("id:"); if (a == null) { stringbuilder.append("null"); } else { stringbuilder.append(a); } stringbuilder.append(", "); stringbuilder.append("start_time:"); stringbuilder.append(b); stringbuilder.append(", "); stringbuilder.append("end_time:"); stringbuilder.append(c); stringbuilder.append(", "); stringbuilder.append("duration:"); stringbuilder.append(d); if (t()) { stringbuilder.append(", "); stringbuilder.append("pages:"); if (e == null) { stringbuilder.append("null"); } else { stringbuilder.append(e); } } if (y()) { stringbuilder.append(", "); stringbuilder.append("locations:"); if (f == null) { stringbuilder.append("null"); } else { stringbuilder.append(f); } } if (B()) { stringbuilder.append(", "); stringbuilder.append("traffic:"); if (g == null) { stringbuilder.append("null"); } else { stringbuilder.append(g); } } stringbuilder.append(")"); return stringbuilder.toString(); } public int u() { if (f == null) { return 0; } else { return f.size(); } } public Iterator v() { if (f == null) { return null; } else { return f.iterator(); } } public List w() { return f; } public void x() { f = null; } public boolean y() { return f != null; } public be z() { return g; } static { q = new HashMap(); q.put(u/aly/di, new bV(null)); q.put(u/aly/dj, new bX(null)); EnumMap enummap = new EnumMap(u/aly/bd$e); enummap.put(e.a, new cl("id", (byte)1, new cm((byte)11))); enummap.put(e.b, new cl("start_time", (byte)1, new cm((byte)10))); enummap.put(e.c, new cl("end_time", (byte)1, new cm((byte)10))); enummap.put(e.d, new cl("duration", (byte)1, new cm((byte)10))); enummap.put(e.e, new cl("pages", (byte)2, new cn((byte)15, new cq((byte)12, u/aly/ay)))); enummap.put(e.f, new cl("locations", (byte)2, new cn((byte)15, new cq((byte)12, u/aly/aw)))); enummap.put(e.g, new cl("traffic", (byte)2, new cq((byte)12, u/aly/be))); h = Collections.unmodifiableMap(enummap); cl.a(u/aly/bd, h); } private class e extends Enum implements cg { public static final e a; public static final e b; public static final e c; public static final e d; public static final e e; public static final e f; public static final e g; private static final Map h; private static final e k[]; private final short i; private final String j; public static e a(int i1) { switch (i1) { default: return null; case 1: // '\001' return a; case 2: // '\002' return b; case 3: // '\003' return c; case 4: // '\004' return d; case 5: // '\005' return e; case 6: // '\006' return f; case 7: // '\007' return g; } } public static e a(String s1) { return (e)h.get(s1); } public static e b(int i1) { e e1 = a(i1); if (e1 == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException((new StringBuilder("Field ")).append(i1).append(" doesn't exist!").toString()); } else { return e1; } } public static e valueOf(String s1) { return (e)Enum.valueOf(u/aly/bd$e, s1); } public static e[] values() { e ae[] = k; int i1 = ae.length; e ae1[] = new e[i1]; System.arraycopy(ae, 0, ae1, 0, i1); return ae1; } public short a() { return i; } public String b() { return j; } static { a = new e("ID", 0, (short)1, "id"); b = new e("START_TIME", 1, (short)2, "start_time"); c = new e("END_TIME", 2, (short)3, "end_time"); d = new e("DURATION", 3, (short)4, "duration"); e = new e("PAGES", 4, (short)5, "pages"); f = new e("LOCATIONS", 5, (short)6, "locations"); g = new e("TRAFFIC", 6, (short)7, "traffic"); e ae[] = new e[7]; ae[0] = a; ae[1] = b; ae[2] = c; ae[3] = d; ae[4] = e; ae[5] = f; ae[6] = g; k = ae; h = new HashMap(); Iterator iterator = EnumSet.allOf(u/aly/bd$e).iterator(); do { if (!iterator.hasNext()) { return; } e e1 = (e)iterator.next(); h.put(e1.b(), e1); } while (true); } private e(String s1, int i1, short word0, String s2) { super(s1, i1); i = word0; j = s2; } } }